The Quote I use from Fernando Pessoa in English and I also found a Frensh version for you.

Below you find some words of mine (homework), why I use it and my thoughts about it. And at the end what two people wrote about the photos of the series, for whatever it might be good for..?!

"We almost always live outside ourselves, and life itself is a continual dispersion. But it's towards ourselves that we tend, as towards a centre around which, like planets we trace absurd and distant Elipses."

The first time I read the quote it touched me deeply.

We go through life always losing, always gaining. And at the end of each episode we look at our old self as if they were a mirror, and we wonder at the new wrinkles around the eyes.

It speaks of the beauty and the sadness of time, always going. That each moment will never come again, every beautiful feeling was a single entity, immediately finding its place in the past. But that is what makes it so worthwhile being awake.

The quote speaks of everything; of love.